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Week of environment

On June the 5th and 6th, the President of the Federal Republik, Joachim Gauck, invited the best companies and institutions to Bellevue Castle in Berlin in order to present innovative environment protecting technologies and projects.

Cooperated with the German Feder Foundation ( Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU) there was given an overview about the wide spectrum of works in the field of environment technics, research, education and nature protection. It was highlighted that these issues are one of the future’s most important topics, being relevant for Germany. By presenting our solar house together with the HTWG Konstanz, we were one of 200 exhibitors.

Furthermore, we had the opportunity to inform about ressources efficient building by holding an presentation about the project in the context  an event  by the component net Germany.

All in all there were more than 10000 visitants during the „Week of Environment“, including many  top- flight representatives of economics, politics, science and society.

For both teams it was an honor to be part of the 200 chosen ones, especially relating on the fact that there were about 500 applicants. We are glad about the offered chance of contributing to this event.

Days of Energy

From May the 23th to the 25th, there were the Berlin 2012 Days of Energy in the Ludwig Erhard House, contextually enabling the presenting of our house, together with the Team Konstanz. The Days of Energy were arranged by the Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology. Our session was supportively moderated by Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Eng. M. Norbert Fisch in the - IGS – Institute for Building- and Solar Technology. The session related on energy research and had the title “Innovative Technologies for the Energy Transition”. We held our presentation on May the 24th at 6 pm and could introduce our competing ideas referring on futuristic buildings.

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